Rocking Zebra Makeover: W.F.B Creative Outlet #4
Waiting For Baby Creative Outlet #4.
I made this to go with my elephant/safari baby room.
What you'll need:
- An ol' rocking horse. Preferably one that hasn't seen any love for a long time
- Black and white Acrylic Paint, Green for the base
- Black and White Yarn
- Acrylic Sealer (Although we skipped this and three years later it looks fine)
Pull off yarn-hair, saddles, bridles - basically strip the horse down to the wood. Paint the horse white. Look at a picture of a zebra and copy strip patterns with black acrylic paint. The end of the nose is black, and the stripes curves around the eyes - so pay attention to the picture if you want it realistic looking. (Or copy ours)
To create the mane - Cut yarn into about12 inch pieces. Chunk about twenty pieces together and then lay down a white chunk next to a black chunk on a long strip of news paper. Alternate the colors until you have about two feet (depend on size of your horse) of yarn laid out. Sew through the yarn and sewing to the newspaper, and then remove the newspaper (so it sewed together). Fold the piece in half and sew again. Glue to the horse and trim as needed. For the tail I just tied a knot and braided the yarn and glued it.
My nieces and my sista made this amazing elephant collage - so to match we refurbished this broken ol' rocking horse to be a rockin' zebra!