Quick Tips on How to Design a Party Invitation
Invitations. Here are the basics that I discovered while recently designing an invite for my sista's baby shower: As for layout - block out spaces in an un-symmetric-like manner. Divide text with images/graphics that are party-themed and don't be afraid to vary texts sizes and styles. If there is too much white space that looks uneven, add a dotted line or a little graphic to balance it out. If you want to do this for cheap, print the invitation out on your own paper and glue to the top of whatever scrap paper you have and top with whatever ribbon you have. Thread a ribbon through the top to give it a personal touch. See example below.
Yes, I know, I can't cut straight with scizzors. or spell sciszorzz.
Another take on the same invite
and, yeah, don't use pinky-red and purple together.